> 6 live workouts a week
> New challenge gym plan
> 1000+ workouts on demand
> 30% off personalised meal plans catered to your goal
> Access to the Summer Challenge WhatsApp Group
> Fitness and nutrition tips
> Cash prizes: 3 x £100 winners + 3 months personalised coaching for the best transformation
Start date: May 30 2022
End date: July 13 2022
Deadline to submit before images: 8 June 2022
Goal: To get fitter, stronger and toned
Ability level: Open for all abilities
Download your accountability sheet here:

"Thank you so much! I am so happy. Not only because of the prize, but because of how much you’ve changed my approach to fitness and living a healthier lifestyle. Despite the incentive, I’m now committed to showing up every day because I ENJOY exercise - you have been the first person to ever make me feel like this!"
- Jess
"My back is looking good since this new challenge! V proud of my achievements!!"
- Amber
Before challenge
You need to send a short video of yourself turning in a circle so we can see you from all angles (video will not be used for promo purposes)
And take front, side and back profile pics – holding a piece of paper with the challenge start date in 1 of the photos
Please show your face so we can be sure it is you in both the before and after images
Email (not DM) these by the 8th June to transform@bodiedbyxo.com with subject line: CHALLENGE BEFORE PICS
After challenge
In the same outfit, you will also need to send a video of yourself turning in a circle so we can see you from all angles
Take front, side and back profile pics – holding a piece of paper with the challenge end date
Submission deadline: To be announced
Submission tips
Please make sure your images are clear and good quality, poor images have made me discard some entries in the past as they are not comparable!
Photos must be taken with clear lighting
Clean your camera lens before taking
Use your self -timer if there is no one to take them for you
Please wear clothing that shows your body well - not high-waisted leggings
Use We Transfer to email files if they are too large to send as an email attachment
4 workouts a week
These can be any workouts that you choose, including workouts from the gym guide.
Eat according to your goals
In this challenge, choose your own goal. Weight loss= calorie deficit, weight gain = calorie surplus, weight maintenance = calorie maintenance. If you purchase a personalised meal plan, I will create a plan tailored to your goals. Otherwise, click here to work out your calorie needs.
2.5 litres of water per day
This includes water, fruit juice and coffee. Does not include shakes, alcohol or soft drinks.
7k steps per day + weekly mini challenges
If you don't have a tracker to track your steps, then aim for a 20 min walk each day/ dancing /15 mins of skipping. Complete the weekly mini challenges!
Accountability sheet
Keep on track by filling out your weekly accountability sheet. You can download a printable version here. You can take a picture and send to me by DM/ tag in IG stories if you like.

"Never ever saw myself as someone that would enjoy working out, and every time I start to feel a little lazy my 14 year old just tells me nope mum time to workout. Very grateful for what you have created''
- Chez
What happens if I join after the start date?
You can join at any time of the challenge however, the end date to enter your final transformation pics will remain the same so you will have a shorter time to complete the challenge to be considered for the prize money. However, all the challenge content will remain on the private IG page so you can redo any classes in your own time. If you do join the challenge late, I recommend starting with the current timetable as opposed to starting right from the beginning, but it is totally up to you!
How will the winners be chosen?
The winners will be chosen based on the best before vs after pictures. Secondary considerations are your consistency which I can see by your tagged IG stories post workout and your weekly accountability sheets.
How do I get a personalised meal plan?
Click the link here to purchase your meal plan and fill out the form. Depending on demand, it can take up to 24 hours to create your personalised so I recommend purchasing it in advance of the challenge so you can do your weekly food shop before we start. There will be a discount for all Bodied By XO Online Gym members so keep an eye out for this on the IG page!
How do I work out how much to eat according to my goals?
Please read this blog post here 'How to workout how many calories to consume for your goals' which explains how to work this out. If you purchase a personalised meal plan, this is worked out for you and all your meal options are calculated according to your goals. We do the hard work for you.
I have an injury, can I still join?
Yes, you can but this will be at your own risk. Please be sensible and avoid any exercises that aggravate your injury. I provide modifications for a lot of exercises, but it is advised you consult with a professional before committing.